
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Gay Dog Sentenced to Death

Is this homophobia at it worst? No, homo, relates to human beings. Dog homo phobia? No that doesn't make sense. What do you call it?

As seen on Facebook (

This cute little mutt might die for being a gay dog in Tennessee

2 hrs ago
Some psycho in Tennessee has reportedly consigned his dog to death for being "gay." As bizarre as it sounds, according to the Facebook page of a euthanasia animal shelter in Jackson, the owner surrendered the animal after seeing him "hunched over" another male dog. According to the post from the "high kill" shelter, the swell guy could not bear the thought of having a gay dog. However, it looks like the pooch might make it past today's deadline as hundreds of commenters leapt to his aid. Let's hope one of the thousands who shared the post have a homosexual-friendly home for the little guy. [Source]

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