
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Dwelling and Understanding Speech as a Structural Part of Human Dasein

“Being in the World” is understood phenomenological sense and does not mean existing spatially in the world. It is the everydayness of being in the world. Heidegger amplifies this being in the world with the word, “dwelling”. This dwelling is existential and signifies resting, contemplating, meditating, observing and realizing a more complete disclosure of Dasein. One of the outstanding verses in the Book of Psalms is 93:1, “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Once again there seems to be a theological reference and underpinning of the interpretation of the word “dwell”. In the dwelling place of Dasein, it may be that place where one is in the active process of “recovering Dasein” from the “they world”. Speech is part of the unitary structure and fundamental aspect of Dasein. The genuine characteristic of discourse (speech) is that through it, we return to the things themselves as we continually understand that language attaches self to others in the world; and in fact, it presents errors in the past. Dasein needs to have language to disclose the world. Speech or language has its roots in existential condition of Dasein’s disclosed-ness and is the mode by which the intelligibility of Dasein can be communicated
. There is a unique understanding of speech as it includes hearsay, idle talk and gossip. The result is that speech does not always result in objective truth being spoken. As speech is about genuine conversation, it is never false even though it may falsify. It is deceptive in covering up lying about its own being for idle talk often disguises itself.

 “And their words seemed to them as idle tales and they believed them not”, Luke 24:11. . “For there must also be heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you”, 1Cor. 11:19. It appears that idle talk even in the scripture relates that other Daseins recognize speech as often idle tales and don’t’ believe them; for they do not recognize the truth in them. Day unto day uttereth speech and night unto night uttereth knowledge, Ps.19:2. This verse would seem to indicate that with speech, there is the possibility of truth and knowledge among Dasein and the capabilities of Dasein through speech.

Speech is structural component in Dasein and helps it to disclose itself to itself and other Daseins. It may be postulated as Dasein recovers it self from the “they world and abides in its’ peculiar dwelling place, it is through the analysis of the various levels of speech, that Dasein is able to reveal itself through authenticity.

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