
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Elephants So Sacred In India that They Kill the People

Just so, Just so...... (Can't find the word)

A wild elephant attacks a vehicle (© AP Photo)

Rampaging elephants threaten the democratic process in India

7 hrs ago
So, you got a little tired and annoyed while waiting in a long voting line during the last election? Well, just be happy that you didn't have to be constantly ready to run for your life in case of an elephant attack, you sissy. Indian voters in the southern state of Karnataka are being warned to watch out for attacks by angry elephants during upcoming elections. The rapidly encroaching human population and the elephants' inability to adapt to the loss of territory has caused escalating elephant-human clashing, and several polling places have been marked as vulnerable. About 400 people are killed by elephants in India each year, and, despite the animals' sacred status, farmers are increasingly resorting to poisoning elephants to save their crops. [Source]
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