
Thursday, April 25, 2013

72,000 Lady Bugs Released

Ladybugs (© Aluka Berry/The State/MCT/Getty Images)

Mall of America released 72,000 ladybugs for Earth Day

18 hrs ago
If you were walking around the Mall of America in Bloomington, Minn., on Earth Day, you might have noticed something other than naked consumerism in the air. That's because mall organizers released 72,000 ladybugs into the cavernous interior to act as natural pesticides and protect the plants and flowers displayed inside. (The mall boasts more than 30,000 live plants and 400-plus trees.) The ladybugs are part of the mall's efforts to remain "green": It also apparently recycles more than 60 percent of its waste, to the tune of 32,000 tons of trash annually. We wish all flying-insect plagues were this adorable and useful. [Source]

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