
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Change Electoral Rules?

Changing state presidential electoral rules CHARLOTTE, N.C.—Despite all the discussion of a small movement in the Virginia legislature to change the state's rules to grant presidential electoral votes proportionately based on congressional districts, the effort is not a top concern for members of the Republican National Committee, who met here to re-elect a chairman this week.

Virginia GOP Chairman Pat Mullins said in an interview on Friday that he hadn't yet read the bill, which is set for a vote in a Virginia state Senate committee next week, but that changing the Electoral College rules in Virginia is "not at all" on his list of priorities.

"If the base committee approves it, then we'll all take a look at it and see what we're going to do," Mullins said.not a priority, GOP leaders say

                           My response
No need to do re-districting and changing electoral rules, just run a clean campaign based on the issues and what the majority of Americans want, "of the people, by the people and for the people" and not what a group of old fuddy duddy men want

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