
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Walking Around Naked Can be Good, I think !!!

San Fancisco is a city on the forefront of something. We just don't know what it is, just yet

Four naked protesters arrested as San Francisco nudity ban starts

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Four nudists were cited and detained by police this afternoon in front of San Francisco City Hall at a protest against a citywide nudity ban that went into effect Friday, NBC Bay area reported.
At a noon rally on the Polk Street steps, about 10 nude activists faced off with police while carrying signs, playing guitar and calling for a recall against Supervisor Scott Wiener, who authored the city ordinance that bans public nudity.
The legislation was approved in a 6-5 vote by the Board of Supervisors in December and includes exceptions for children under the age of 5 and for attendees of certain permitted events, such as the Folsom Street Fair and Bay to Breakers.

Just before 12:30 p.m., about a dozen police officers that had been monitoring the event swooped in and took away the four nude protesters, including longtime nude activists Gypsy Taub — naked save for a brown coat — and George Davis, who was only wearing a fanny pack and sandals.

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