
Saturday, February 9, 2013

How did he get it up there?

A mobile phone & a hands-free kit are seen in the rectum on an X-ray of a 58-year-old Sri Lankan prisoner (© STR/AFP/Getty Images)

Ringing sound betrays inmate who stowed cell phone in his rectum

13 hrs ago
If you've ever been caught in a movie theater with a ringing cell phone, that's basically what happened to a Sri Lankan inmate — times 1,000 or so. Prisoners aren't allowed to have cell phones, so this guy tried to hide his when an unexpected search was conducted in his cell. The 58-year-old inmate pulled a risky move: He stowed the phone in his rectum. Then the worst-timed phone call ever gave him away, and a prison guards heard a ring "emanating from his rear end." Awkward. The prisoner is now in a hospital in the capital city of Colombo, where doctors retrieved the phone "with an accompanying hands-free set from his rectum." Ouch.

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