
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Free condoms creating controversy on Boston College campus

14,000 students on campus and practical solutions if one, someday, I will be tempted beyond
measure and oh my Jesus, I had sex and am not married. I was too far gone in heavy breathing and petting and I had unprotected sex. This Should Never Be The Reason. Maybe the Pope will revise some teachings to be more realistic. Let's talk about "the concept real", haha!

Free condoms creating controversy on Boston College campus

March 27, 2013, 5:39 am
Print Article

(NECN: Justin Michaels, Chestnut Hill, Mass.) - Boston College is sending out a stern warning, even threatening students for what they say is a violation of the university's mission as a catholic institution.

Put simply, the violation they're referring to is the distribution of condoms and other sexual health products on campus.

The "Boston College students for sexual health" is a student group not recognized by the school.

BC, a Catholic and Jesuit school, sent a letter to the group demanding an end to the student run "safe sites," the places on and off campus where the condoms are being handed out, most of which are in dorm rooms. The listing of these locations is on their website.
In addition to free male and female condoms, lubricants and sexual health information are also available to students.

Boston College spokesman Jack Dunn said in a statement:
“As a Jesuit, Catholic university, there are certain Catholic commitments that we are called to uphold. We ask our students to respect these commitments and the values upon which they are based. Public distribution of condoms is a violation of university policy and, as this group of students knows, may lead to disciplinary sanctions.”

Leaders from the Boston College students for sexual health are set to meet with school leaders at the end of April to discuss this issue. In the meantime, the group says it will continue to follow its mission and hand out condoms and sexual health information.

Trojan Condoms, as part of their free condoms campaign, gives the group about 1500 condoms per semester. They also get a few grants from off campus groups to buy sexual health products for free distribution.

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