
Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Another One For Children !!

Oh, The Smile of a Child!
Oh, The Love of a Child!
Oh, To Love and To Be LOVED!

Saturday, I leave Guatemala for the second time, June 2014

It is the friendship of Raul (Owner, PLACE TO STAY HOSTEL) that implored me to come back

But it is now the love of three Guatemalan children that will make me a regular visitor

I have always been a protector and advocate for the children of the world

Many children suffer in so many different ways in this world

There are no child labor laws here in Antigua

Children as young as 8 are vendedores in the streets

Selling cigarettes and other small items to make a living for their families

They are the best shoe shiners in the world!!!

Waxing shoes with their bare hands

And yet they grow to be loving, caring and adjusted to their environment

It all seems so normal for them!

But what about their education, their development, their potential?           

Earning a few dollars a day to take something back home !

Often until midnight

300 miles away from their pueblo and families

Too many Guatemalan children to mention

The violin strings of my heart have been pulled, stretched; yet tapped ever go gently

Three in particular have truly affected me and my humanity

Jorge, 8; Rolando 10; and Manuel 13

Manuel and Jorge are brothers and Rolando is their cousin

Manuel is one of the best guardians that I have ever seen in my lifetime, SO RESPONSIBLE!!

Managing the money and paying the rent, food and whatever the three of them might need

Renting a room in the city for $25 a month each; no bed, but blankets on the floor for padding

And all with the smile of a child

So grateful for food, really grateful for pizza and Burger King and a soccer ball of their own!!

Oh, the smile of a child, Oh, the love of a child

In a troubled world filled with anguish, the smile of a child saves us

Jesus said,

Matthew 19:

13 Then were there brought unto him little children, that he should put his hands on them, and pray: and the disciples rebuked them.
14 But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven
15 And he laid his hands on them, and departed thence.


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