
Friday, October 6, 2017

I just had a renewal of being inspired to write, again after at least 4 months. I am back in Peru, my second visit this year. I have used 4 of my six- month tourist visa, so far. I have long-written about things that exude from my existence and share it in writing.  My hope is that at least one person is touched by reading  what I have written

The following is a repost

Life is a series of tradeoffs.

I have had more tradeoffs in my lifetime that I care not to remember

But to gain the elusive state of happiness that every man seeks, 

"Tradeoffs are necessary." 

Happiness is elusive

Happiness is never a constant

Because sadness is a part of every life

But we can have joy "everyday"

Joy  is not happiness because they are two different things

Happiness  is different for each man, is unique, intimate and personal

For me, happiness traveling to a foreign country

A tradeoff virtue is the virtue of stability

Yet mental and spiritual stability remains the most important

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