
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Love Me Some Rachel

Cable News Smackdown: The Battle Between Rand Paul and Rachel Maddow Heats Up

After their initial dust up in 2010, Rand Paul and Rachel Maddow are trading blows once again, this time over the Senator's alleged plagiarism
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May 19, 2010 is a red-letter date in cable news history. That was when Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, then a candidate, appeared on Rachel Maddow’s MSNBC news show, sparking a very public feud that continues to this date. At first, it was about whether Paul, now a senator, had objectionable racial attitudes, but now it has morphed into accusations that Paul has plagiarized some writings by others, a charge he has now admitted. Here are some highlights (or low lights, depending on your political views) of Paul and Maddow’s rocky relationship:

Read more: Cable News Smackdown: The Battle Between Rand Paul and Rachel Maddow Heats Up |

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