
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Ya Think So Columbia ?

Columbia University campus (© Tina Fineberg/AP)

Columbia decides maybe it should revise 'whites only' scholarship

2 hrs ago
They say tolerance and cultural awareness come with education, but tell that to the esteemed Ivy League school that still has a "whites only" scholarship on the books. Established by a very rich and apparently very racist woman in 1920, the Lydia C. Roberts Graduate Fellowship entitles the lucky recipient to funds for a Columbia University education — as long as the student is from Iowa, not studying law and Caucasian. Here's the kicker: None of the provisions of the fund (now worth about $800,000) can be changed without a court order, which Columbia is reportedly trying to do. Although the scholarship hasn't been given out since 1997, it's still unknown if Columbia followed each stipulation in years prior. [Source]

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